What should I do now

Sometimes there are have bad things in my heart.

None will be known,just because its scret.

Although some people stand behand of me,but it also can not change many things.

Nowdays,when I use some English to explain my thought I always forget some words how to spell and which word mean this,especilly at use quora.

Quora is a website like zhihu,it is provide so many useful knowledages,people can get new things by that.As you can see,it is so popular in foreigners.

At last,i know this artle must have many wrong,and it is my fault.when i use dct to chek out some words spell rigt or wrong,it cost me too much time,so the best way for me is just dont care about this,and just write as my mind and my thougt.

OK!that all,thak you!

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